- Ruby Koans
- Pony gem (SMTP)
- Error handling
- GA Pre-work
- ice Tree
- Wordpress
- Heroku
- Evernote
- Meta programming (multmaker)
- Ruby Warrior
- VIM commands
- Stackoverflow
- Github
- Google Adsense
- DevOps
- Project Euler problems
- Installfest
- Github Homebrew Package Manager
- Sublime Text 2 (shortcuts, binding)
- Ruby (embedded Ruby files, Ruby API's, data types, conditionals, loops, arrays, hashes, methods, classes, inheritance, exceptions, objects, aliasing, interactive Ruby shell, pry debugging, enumerables, blocks, procs, lambdas, server-side scripts, file and IO classes, file utilities, file pointers, closures, caching, set theory, handling CSV files, handling JSON, HTTP verbs and errors, curl, Sinatra gem and reloader, cat, stash, preferential execution with File__ == $0)
- Ruby Gems - HTTParty, FileUtils, Sinatra app and reloader
- Ruby Modules - YahooFinance
- API's - OMDb
- HTML5 (form fields, responsive)
- CSS (stylesheet use options [import, inline, header], separation of concerns, cascading, descendants, selectors, blocks, properties, fonts, semantic classes, ID's, reset stylesheets, tags, Twitter Bootstrap, incompatibilities reset stylesheets, anchors, spans, blocks, inline, wildcards, link states, pseudo class selectors, positioning, DRY principle)
- Apple Macbook Pro usage
Progress @ Intro to Startup Entrepeneurship (Summer School by General Assembly and Google)
- Unit 1: Finding a Killer Startup Idea
- Signed up to attend Ruby Conference Australia (Feb 2014)
- Attended meetup Ruby on Rails Oceana (ROROSyd)
Future Wants:
- UX @ GA
- UX tools
- Volunteer at GA or Fishburners
- Attend Sydney Business Angels, Sydney Tech meetups
- Attend a Rails Camp @railscamp_au
- Continue attending Sydney Mobile Developers, and ROROSyd meetups
- Continue Adobe Creative Suite usage
- Continue Lynda training
- Installfest Ubuntu
- Apply MBT learnings
- Books: Agile Web Development with Rails
- Apiary, DEP, Audited/PaperTrail, Activerecord gems - (ROROSyd)
- Bundler, Travis CI - (ROROSyd)
- Erlang VM, Elixir, Openresty, Heckle and RSpec
- Concurrency and immutability in languages
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