- Reading "Agile Development with Rails 4" this weekend
- Core:
- Unless, Until, If, While
- Pass Block as Named Parameter
- Exceptions, Rescue
- Instance Variables, Convenience Methods,
- Public, Private, Protected Methods
- Modules and Helper Methods
- YAML, Marshalling Objects, Sessions
- Ruby Idioms
- File Relative Expand Path Method
- Aliasing
- Shopping Cart App
- Preliminary Analysis
- Incremental Development
- Use Cases, Different Actors
- Iteration Feedback
- Page Flow for each Actor
- Data Diagrams for App
- Create App
- Create Database for App Product Maintenance
- Nested CSS matching each Controller
- Git Ignore
- Validation and Unit Testing
- Validation before write to DB
- Unit Test Models Test Infrastructure
- MiniTest Unit Framework subclass TestCase
- Rake Test Models
- Test Fixtures and YAML Format
- Associate based Stories for Fixture Names
- Using Test DB vs Development DB
- Up to Page 105 / 439
- Ruby Quick Ref (Range, RegEx, FileIO, Var, Cmd Line, IRB, Operator uses, Control method uses, Invoking Methods, Defining Class/Methods/Modules, Access Restrictions, Accessors, Aliasing, Procs, Closures, Exception Catch/Throw/Raise/Rescue, MiniTest)
- Group Project Presentations
- Team #1 - Autism Connect (Sam Peters, Emily McCartney, Lauren Krueger, Luke Mesiti) - Key Takeaways
- Gems: Geocoder, Googlemaps, Strap (payments similar to PayPal), 4em??, Pundit and Cancan (forums)
- Authentication: OmniAuth (Google), Devise
- Search: Polymorphic (finds anything with tags many to many)
- Effects: Paralax (slide toggle left right)
- Method: Staged implementation with Gems
- Team #2 - Shared Expense Tracker (Pranava Swaroop, Federico Tagliabue, Marcus Hoile) - Key Takeaways
- Gems: AASM Management (management of workflow change status of groups/resources), Bootstrap Gem Fonts?
- Future: Integrate with, share on Facebook timeline, Available offline (caching on mobile), Monetise with buying patterns, white label lnegotations, sell to property management firms
- Method: Daily standups and end of day checkins, Git branching, dealing with Git conflicts merging, teamwork
- Team #3 - Rick Rampage (Game) (Nick Morgan, Alberto Forni, Ed Fastovski, Luke Schoen) - Key Takeaways
- Presentation - Gregory McIntyre, (Life as a Developer) - Key takeaways:
- Agile Development - Pair Programming, Productivity and Independence, Conversations and Minutes, Values Visibility, Iron Triangle {Scope, Schedule, and Resources + Quality Centre} > No compromise for Quality, Risk Matrix mitigates to ALARP with Strategies, Burn Down Chart (Jellybean measurement), Kanban (pool model visualisation to minimise waste), Lumpy graph (steady flow rate to customers, resource match issues if lumpy progress), Feedback iterative loop (Assess, Agree, Execute) impacted by Scope changes, Poker Estimation (fold over cards and argue to check assumptions and avoid diminishing returns), Card Walls (Agile workspaces, Post-its easy to track, hard avoid responsibility, issue in distributed teams)
- Agile Ideals - Deliver something of value everyday
- TDD - Refactor, Fail, Pass, Repeat
- BDD - Cust. Feedback Driven, TDD is embedded circles within BDD
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Latest News: Ruby Weekly, Javascript Daily, Postgres Weekly (signed-up)