- Extra credit homework to finish music website
- Finally worked out hurdle of shallow nesting multiple routes!
Progress @ General Assembly (GA):
- Rails (Rendering Action/Template Alternate Layouts, Rails CRUD implementation of stateless Representational State Transfer REST for short-form Routing versus non-CRUD architecture i.e. SOAP, Rails Rake Routes Helpers, Shallow Nesting of Restful Routes, Class 'Before Actions', Private versus Public Actions, PageController Route catch-all for dynamic page errors, Static Pages, Destroy Controller, Video tags)
- Ruby (Faker gem)
- reInteractive Presentation on Ruby Communities by Mikel Lindsaar
- Key tips shown in Reading List and Community Contribution sections below
Reading List (Monthly Min. Targets):
- 2 hrs - Ruby on Rails Guides
- 2 hrs - Ruby Programming Books Online
- 1 hr - Ruby Memory Jogger - Alfred App + Dash (Docs & Snippets)
- 3 hrs - Ruby Koans
- 1 hr - Rails for Zombies
- 1 hr - Rails Tutorials
- 4 hrs - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 (4th edition): The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
- 4 hrs - Agile Web Development with Rails 4
- 2 hrs - Ruby Language Documentation
Contributions to Developer Community (by end 2014)
- Work
- 2 hrs - Voluntarily develop website for The Slippery Gypseas by June 2013
- 2 hrs - Volunteer at Ruby on Rails Development Hub and InstallFest
- 15 mins - Presentation at Ruby on Rails Oceana @ROROSyd
- 3 OFF - GitHub Repository Documentation and Code Review, and Pull Request with Corrections to Authors
- 2 hrs - Contribute to and Review Ruby or Rails Oceania Forum
- 1 hr - Collaborate on Lets Pair
- 1 hr - Collaborate on Pair Program with Me
- Conferences
- 8 hrs - Participate at RubyConf Conference Australia
- Meet Ups
- 1 hr - Participate at Sydney Mobile Developers meetup
- 1 hr - Contribute to @ROROSyd IRC Forum
- 1 hr - Participate at Port80 Sydney meetup
- 1 hr - Participate at Geek Breakfast
- 1 hr - Participate at SydJS meetup
- 1 hr - Participate at RailsGirls Sydney meetup
Future Contributions (beyond 2014)
- Extra credit homework to finish music website
- Finally worked out hurdle of shallow nesting multiple routes!
Progress @ General Assembly (GA):
- Rails (Rendering Action/Template Alternate Layouts, Rails CRUD implementation of stateless Representational State Transfer REST for short-form Routing versus non-CRUD architecture i.e. SOAP, Rails Rake Routes Helpers, Shallow Nesting of Restful Routes, Class 'Before Actions', Private versus Public Actions, PageController Route catch-all for dynamic page errors, Static Pages, Destroy Controller, Video tags)
- Ruby (Faker gem)
- reInteractive Presentation on Ruby Communities by Mikel Lindsaar
- Key tips shown in Reading List and Community Contribution sections below
Reading List (Monthly Min. Targets):
- 2 hrs - Ruby on Rails Guides
- 2 hrs - Ruby Programming Books Online
- 1 hr - Ruby Memory Jogger - Alfred App + Dash (Docs & Snippets)
- 3 hrs - Ruby Koans
- 1 hr - Rails for Zombies
- 1 hr - Rails Tutorials
- 4 hrs - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 (4th edition): The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
- 4 hrs - Agile Web Development with Rails 4
- 2 hrs - Ruby Language Documentation
Contributions to Developer Community (by end 2014)
- Work
- 2 hrs - Voluntarily develop website for The Slippery Gypseas by June 2013
- 2 hrs - Volunteer at Ruby on Rails Development Hub and InstallFest
- 15 mins - Presentation at Ruby on Rails Oceana @ROROSyd
- 3 OFF - GitHub Repository Documentation and Code Review, and Pull Request with Corrections to Authors
- 2 hrs - Contribute to and Review Ruby or Rails Oceania Forum
- 1 hr - Collaborate on Lets Pair
- 1 hr - Collaborate on Pair Program with Me
- Conferences
- 8 hrs - Participate at RubyConf Conference Australia
- Meet Ups
- 1 hr - Participate at Sydney Mobile Developers meetup
- 1 hr - Contribute to @ROROSyd IRC Forum
- 1 hr - Participate at Port80 Sydney meetup
- 1 hr - Participate at Geek Breakfast
- 1 hr - Participate at SydJS meetup
- 1 hr - Participate at RailsGirls Sydney meetup
Future Contributions (beyond 2014)
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