Activities @ TeamTreeHouse -
iOS Development (using Xcode 5 IDE) with Amit Bijlani (Cont'd)
DONE Building API Reader (Table View) iPhone App
- Table View (List) with Master-Detail App
- Manual
- Master-Detail Template
- UIApplication { single instance, only allowed one UIApplication object for a single app. watches for Events and Routes to appropriate targets }
- AppDelegate
- Dfn: capability to Intercept Events at an App level so can Add Custom code. all apps have it to hook into UIApplication (app lifecycle). responsible to ensure app has a Window
- .h { defines lifecycle of app }
- .m { implementation of .h containing methods }
- UIWindow object { coordinates presentation of Views on screen. hosting Views and working with UIApplication object to deliver Events to Views and View Controller }
- View Controller object { manages presentation of app Content on screen, including Single MainView (property) and its Collection of Sub Views i.e. self.view (where View is property of ViewController) }
- UIViewController class { base class for all ViewController objects, provides Default functionality for Views' ability to load, display, respond, etc }
- View object { draws Content in designated Rect area and Responds to Events in that area }
- Controls { specialised Views responsible for implementing interface objects (i.e. buttons, text fields, toggle switches) }
- Data { ways to store data in app (i.e. Core Data, etc) }
- Storyboard (defines flow between ViewControllers)
- MasterViewController { inherits from UITableViewController and UIViewController as displays List of TableView UITableView with Rows(UITableViewCells) attributes and behaviour and where tap event shows DetailViewController }
- DetailViewController { inherits from UIViewController as displays Single View Text from Table View Cell }
- Scene { ViewControllers }
- Segue { connection between Scenes of type UIStoryboardSegue (arrow Transition between each View Controller). it has Properties: identifier, sourceViewController, destinationViewController }
- identifier { read-only shown in View. accessed in code with method prepareForSegue. use Method notation (instead of Dot Notation) when dealing with 'read-only' info as indicated in Help }
- prepareForSegue { intercepts Segue once it is triggered and takes two args }
- Segue param { contains info about Segue }
- sender { originator of Segue }
(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
- Shortcuts
- Double-Click - Zoom in/out of Storyboard canvas
- CMD+N - New File
- UITableViewController { is declared in NSObjCRuntime.h (according to hover+CMD+Click) and implements two Protocols. It contains a @property 'tableView' of type UITableView which implements the two Protocols }
- UITableViewDataSource { defines what is displayed in Table View. it mediates between Table View and Data }
- UITableViewDelegate { defines how Data displayed with Methods to configure Table Views (i.e. row heights, section headers/footers, tap event or editing actions) }
@property (nonatomic, retain) UITableView *tableView;
- indexPath { object with two Properties (Section, and Row in that Section) }
- Memory Management
- No Table View Cell Reuse { alloc and init new table view cell for each row to be displayed in table view. slow with large quantities of rows in the array to be alloc'ed }
UITableViewCell *cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"Cell"];
- Efficient Reuse of Table View Cells { allows table view to efficiently manage cells with each one having an identifier in storyboard so when table view cell scrolls beyond screen the table view re-marks it for reuse and recycles it on new row }
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"Cell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
- NSDictionary
- objectForKey { type 'id' is generic data type (any Object) }
- valueForKey { always expects String }
// declaration for key value pair NSDictionary *blogPost1 = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Blogpost1", @"title", @"Luke Schoen", @"author", nil];
// ALTERNATIVE convenience constructor for NSDictionary NSDictionary *blogPost1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Blogpost1", @"title",@"Luke Schoen", @"author", nil];
- SubTitles { Storyboard > Change Type (of TableViewCell) in Attribute Inspector > subTitle }
- UITableViewCell Properties:
- textLabel
- detailTextLabel
- Mutable
- Memory Inefficency { performance overhead when want to modify Contents of object, mem alloc needs to change and find mem space for additional Content }
- NSMutableArray (subclass of NSArray)
NSMutableArray *titles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0]; // if capacity 0, use below NSMutableArray *titles = [NSMutableArray array]; // memory alloc minimal to hold pointer to array [titles addObject:@“My Book”]; // add object to array. mem dynamically alloc. array size grows [titles insertObject:@“abc” atIndex:0]; [titles removeLastObject]; [titles removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- NSMutableDictionary (subclass of NSDictionary)
- Declare with Memory Capacity
NSMutableDictionary *book = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [book setObject:@“My Book”, forKey:@”title”]; [book setObject:@“Luke Schoen”, forKey:@”author"]; [book removeObjectForKey:@“title”]; [book removeAllObjects]; // removes all objects from a dictionary
- NSMutableString (subclass of NSString)
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string];[string appendString:@"Title: My Book"];[string appendString:@"Author: Luke Schoen"];[string insertString:@" -- " atIndex:10];
- Immutable { cannot be modified }
- Memory Efficient { when variable for object alloc, mem req'd known (knows qty objects and kind of objects. pass around without need to modify }
- NSArray
- JSON Parsing (JavaScript Object Notation)
// download the data (NSData object stream from JSON)
NSURL *movieURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
// parse data
NSData *jsonData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:blogURL];
// declare pointer in memory
NSError *error = nil;
// deserialise data into JSON object format to stored in dictionary
// pass pointer reference to NSError so value can be modified by the method it is being passed to (otherwise just passing by value and can only read
// i.e. &__ means value can be modified by the method
// i.e. ___ means just passing its value and it can only read your object NSDictionary *dataDictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:0 error:&error]; NSLog(@"%@", dataDictionary);
self.moviePosts = [dataDictionary objectForKey:@"Search”];
// extract 'title' from NSDictionary and set
self.moviePosts = [dataDictionary objectForKey:@"Search”];
// extract 'title' from NSDictionary and set
cell.textLabel.text = [moviePost valueForKey:@"Title"];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [moviePost valueForKey:@"Year"];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [moviePost valueForKey:@"Year"];
Events Upcoming
- ATTENDED - RORO Syd Dev Hub - 6:30pm 6th May 2014 (Level 15, 2 Market St)
- UNABLE - RORO USer Group - 7pm 13th May 2014 (Trinity Bar, 505 Crown St Surry Hills)
- UNABLE - Sydney Drupal Meetup - 7pm, 15th May 2014 (Level 5, 48 Pirrama Rd)
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