Activities @ Reading Book (Sams Teach Yourself iPhone App Dev in 24 hrs (IMO 1-2 weeks full-time to learn properly) (by Ray & Johnson)
iPhone Development (Xcode 5) (
- Test & Build DONE
- Snapshots, Pragma marks, Project Properties {icon, status}, Build Outputs, iPhone Simulator, Simulate Conditions {finger pulls OPT} )
- Interface File ( DONE
- Protocols {< > collection of common grouped methods}
- IBOutlet {object defined in interface builder},
- Directives {i.e. @interface},
- Defining Method Getters and Setters
- Class Methods { +(<type_returned>)<method_name>:(..).. ..:(..)..; },
- Instance Methods { -(..; }, Multiple Params
- Directive { @property (.., <attributes>) <object> *<instance_var>; },
- Synthesise { simplify interaction by defining properties of instance var objects and generating code for their getters/setters (accessors/mutators) }
- Implementation File DONE
- Comments { // or /* },
- Primitive Data Types {int, float, double},
- Objects {data types, pointers, instance var, methods},
- Declare Variable Object {declare instance var pointing to mem loc'n of object of specific class i.e. NSString *userName },
- Allocate Memory for Object {alloc message to the class}, Initialize {init message to initialize mem contents allocated to object of specific class}, x = [[UILabel alloc] init]; {x is now a usable but not useful object},
- Convenience Method {special config steps to setup object and basic properties for use (i.e. label name, screen location, etc)} --> x = [[UILabel alloc] initWithString:@"abc"]; { creates new string object of type NSString and sets its property pointer},
- Messaging Syntax {send object a msg by giving name of var/class referencing the object and method name, then params, gives boolean result} --> [<obj var/class> <method_name>:@"<param_val>" <param2>:<param2_val / manner_to_perform_method>]; },
- Predefined Values {nil lack of value},
- Nested Messaging {benefit of using results directly instead declare temp var to hold} --> i.e. z = [[x capitalizedString] stringByAppendString:[y capitalizedString]]; (where: object var 'y', instance method 'capitalizedString', method name 'stringByAppendString', param value result of 'y capitalizedString'),
- Expressions {use values returned from methods of objects and their properties to create expressions} --> i.e. [x compare:@"y"] (result is boolean),
- Expression Syntax { (), ==, !=, &&, ||, ! },
- If-Then-Else, Switch Statement, Loops - Condition-Based Loops {For Loop with initialize counter, test condition, increment}, Condition-Based Loop {While, Do While}, Autoincrementing {and De-...},
- Memory Management (differs fron OS X which has automatic garbage collection), Releasing Objects is Dev's Responsibility (except vars holding less mem intensive Primitive Data Types i.e. @"" syntax) { calling 'release' method i.e. [<var> release]; }, Auto Releasing Objects { i.e. [<var> autorelease]; --> inefficient release from object pool }, Retaining Objects { i.e. when object created as returned from a method (not directly created) i.e. [<var> retain]; }, Retain & Release Count { retain message increases count, release decreases, object remove from memory when count reaches zero }, Releasing Instance Methods { use 'dealloc' method and 'release' call on instance method (i.e. 'x') to parent class i.e. -(void)dealloc { [x release]; [super dealloc]; }
- Cocoa Touch { DONE
- Dfn; collection of frameworks customised for touch/handheld interface to build iPhone platform apps and runtime to execute user interface based on Cocoa framework
- iPhone OS Service Layers each containing diff frameworks { Cocoa Touch (UI (i.e. events, phone, data, camera, photo, accelerom) / Map / Game Kits (i.e. p2p networks, sessions, voicechat) + Msg / AddrBk UI's), Media (Audio (i.e. play, record, vibrations) / OpenGL / MediaPlyer / Core Grphx (i.e. 2d drawing) / Quartz Core (i.e. Core Animations)), Core Services (Foundation (i.e. manipulate strings, arrays, dict. + app threads prefs, internat.), Core Fndtn (i.e. procedural C -> non-OO), Core Loc'n (i.e. GPS lat/long + precision), Core Data (i.e. data modelling SQL), Store Kit (i.e. in-app App Store transactions), Sys Config (i.e. network config status)), Core OS (CFN Network (i.e. BSD sockets, HTTP, FTP, Bonjour, etc), Ext Accessory (i.e. docked/bluetooth), Security (i.e. encrypt, decrypt, iPhone keychain interact), System Framework (i.e. subset of Unix dev tools)) }
- iPhone App Lifecycle Trace {launch setup with application delegate class creating View (Output) and View Controller (Input Events), input event loop handling from Cocoa Touch interface and manipulating views, termination}
- Core App Classes
- Autocreated
- Root Class (NSObject) { most classes inherit }
- Applic Object (UIApplication) { handle events, notifications, app config }
- Window Objects (UIWindow) { superview containers of instance views }
- Manual Created
- Views (UIView) { subview nested rect area instance of UIWindow create with Interface Builder (IB) }
- Responders (UIResponder) { touch events passed up "Chain of Responders" under reach "First Responder" able to actively handle }
- Onscreen Controls (UIControl) { inherits from UIView as superclass of onscreen controls touch event handling and triggering. events tied to controls with IB }
- View Controllers (UIViewController) { manage content of views. instances of view controller implement actions to react }
- Data Type Classes
- Strings (NSString, NSMutableString)
- Arrays (NSArray, NSMutableArray) { collection data type, i.e. initWithObjects, objectAtIndex }
- Dictionaries (NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary) { collection data type with key/value(object), i.e. objectForKey (access) }
- Numbers (NSNumber, NSDecimalNumber) { i.e. numberWithInt }
- Dates (NSDate) { i.e. userDate, earlierDate }
- URLs (NSURL) { 'host' method to parse and grab just the machine name from the string }
- Interface Classes
- Labels (UILabel)
- Buttons (UIButton)
- Switches (UISwitch) { on/off states }
- Segmented Control (UISegmentedControl) { bar }
- Sliders (UISlider)
- Text Fields (UITextField/UITextView)
- Scrolling behaviour (not Rich text)
- Pickers (UIDatePicker/UIPicker)
- Interface Builder (IB) { DONE
- Dfn: Standalone graphical app dependent on Xcode and iPhone Simulator
- Use: Visual Approach to Responsive User Interface (UI) Design. Live objects are built that link to app code through connections that may be triggered
- XIB (XML) File Output from IB holds interface & non-interface objects that we add visually to the project and are automatically instantiated and accessible when file loaded. XIB file contents:
- File's Owner { object that loads XIB. instantiates other XIB objects }
- First Responder { object that user currently in control and interacting }
- View { instance of UIView visual layout displayed on iPhone. views are hierarchical and contain 'clustered controls' for views within views }
- Document Icons
- Note: XIB File generated by ticking checkbox "With XIB for user interface" when generating new Class file
- Linking GUI Icons with Code: Open the XIB File, drag an icon to the interface, press CTRL and drag icon on top of the File's Owner Icon
- IB Objects Library (CMD+SHIFT+L)
- Use: Palette of objects to drag and drop into views with help of Guides
- Custom Guides > Layout Add Horiz/Vert Guide
- Size Inspector
- Frame Values exact area object on-screen
- Layout Values allow space around object
- Attributes (Object Properties) Inspector
- Label text editing
- View inherited attributes from 'View superclass to on-screen elements
- Clear Button (X)
- Placeholders
- Keyboard Text Input Traits {Capitalize, Spelling Auto-Correction, Keyboard Type, Appearance (alert view), Return Key (Done, Search, Next, Go), Auto-Enable Return Key (user input req'd before show), Security }
- Scrolling Bounce and Color
- Data Detectors { automatically detects phone numbers, urls, etc.. and convert to helpful links }
- Styled Buttons { Shape, Detail Disclosure (addit info), Info Light/Dark Color, Add Contact (+), Custom (custom button images) }
- State Configuration Menu { changing state interacts with user touches on/off }
- Outlets
- Variables that IB objects references that access/change their contents
- Actions
- Methods called when events occur (object event trigger code actions)
- Connections Inspector { connect event to code action by drag a circle (event to support object) to File's Owner icon }
- Connections
- Joining IB elements to outlets or actions
- Default Connections { i.e. 'web view' (goForward, goBack), drag button Touch Up Inside event direct to 'web view' instead of File's Owner }
- Identity (Object) Inspector
- Accessibility Attributes
- Voiceover {speech synthesis on touch onscreen elements}
- Accessibility Inspector (Simulator overlay)
- Enable within iPhone Simulator [Hardware Menu > Home], click Nav circle (left-side), [Settings > General > Accessibility > Accessibility] Inspector
- Building Custom Instances of Classes { instances created when drag objects to interface. manually set identity of objects in IB }
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