- Backbone.js and Burning Airlines - 6 hrs preparing Burning Airlines MVC for Flights on 13th Mar:
- Problems fixed thanks to help from team in the morning:
- Missing from app.js
- Async call to fetch flight collection model and Router
- Correction in FlightsController
- 'respond_with @flights' instead of 'respond_with :json => @flights' to prevent embedded JSON
- Removing JBuilder.json file that was merged after git pull from master, and caused only id and url to appear at URL /flights/flights.json (code previously pushed compiled successfully and listed flights)
- Binding(this) to enable Search button functionality for on-click
- Debugging in Chrome Inspect Element using CMD+' to skip to next line of code for testing, and hovering over variables to show current value
- Pomodoro Time Management
Progress @ General Assembly (GA)
- Group Airline Project (Implementation)
- Team: Marcus Hoile, Sam Peters, Alberto Forni, Luke Schoen
- Javascript Evolution
- JS Framework Types:
- Full-stack - Derby (real-time apps), Sails (like Rails), Meteor (new with potential security issues)
- Front-end - Backbone.js, Marionette, Knockout, React, CanJS
- Front-end + Datamining - Angular, Ember
- Back-end frameworks, Websockets,
- Templating - Handlebars
- Other: Batman, Express Polymer, Socketstream, Clojure
- Websockets ( to manage HTML5 websockets, real-time control to sync broadcast changes without overhead HTTP)
- Proxy Servers - NGrok
- Separate Loading Templates - .jst.ejs and Global Namespaces
- Caching in Rails
- Client-side & Server-side (Page, Action, Fragment)
- ActionPageCaching GEM
- ActionPackCaching GEM
- Rake Task Sweepers
- SQL Query Caching
- Memcache, Nullcache
- SASS (Nested, Interpolating Content, Variables, Mixins, Cross-File Mixins, Inheritance, Pseudo Selectors, Asset Pipeline, Image-Path and Asset-Path for Production)
- Presentation TankStream Labs
- Key Takeaways:
- Lifestyle & Work
- Startup Org Fit Evaluation Essentials
- Recording Skills
- Cocurricular and Coding
- Language Agility
- Erlang, Haskell
- Terminology & Tools
- Strong Parameters
- Async Processing and Delays (SidekiQ + Reddis)
- Scheduling Processes (Cron + Whenever)
- XML Parsing (Nokogiri)
- PDF (Prawn, PDFQueue)
- Debugging (Pry)
- Uploading Files (Paperclip, Carrierwave)
- Sublime GEMS (GEM Browser, Git Extensions)
- JSON (JBuilder, JSON Serializers, Draper)
- Image Resizing (LibXML image munging, Image Magic)
- Communicate Validation in Natural Language (Chronic, Chronorails GEM)
- Javascript The Good Parts (Read 25%)
- Fisburners - Chat with Mark (Movie guru), met David (recommended Founders Institute), Dimitri, Jenny, and Matthews B'day
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