- Group Project - Standups not often enough, Commits too infrequent (time intensive code conflict resolution), Perception of a dominance in opinions with some voices not always being heard creating frustration and episodes of demotivation, Dedicated team with Nick Morgan's invaluable vision, team motivation, and graphic design talent, Alberto Forni's impeccable focus on implementation and refactoring, and Ed Fastovski's calmness and assuredness and in the wake of each storm of problems aligning breakdown of scope and compatibility of the core in-game functionality. Amazing team... But I feel a constant sense that my contributions are inadequate and that I'm letting the team down, with all the challenges I present to myself seemingly ending up in the too-hard basket with too much broken code...
- Group Project - Rick Rampage Game (Node JS, WebGL vs HTML5 Canvas 2D Rendering Engines, Phaser Open Source Game Framework, Phaser Documentation and Guides, REST Console)
- Rick Rampage Production Version (note: takes about 60 seconds to load)
- Rick Rampage Group Presentation Slides (Reflection)
- Rick Rampage Pivotal Tracker Link
- Rick Rampage Github Link
- GitHub (Git Merging, Branching, Resolving Merge Conflicts, Checkout, Stash, Diff --Cached, Reset, Merge)
- Presentation - Karen Callaghan & Carson Lewis (UX Instructors) - Key takeaways:
- UX - Ergonomics, Usability, Psychology (Think, Feel, Instinct), Bad Design Positive Feedback Loops (User Workaround Issues)
- Links: UX Mastery - Matt Magen
- OrbitOz - 6:30pm Fishburners - Tonight!! Space Industry Meetup for Startup Business - Thanks Brian Lim
- Photos of some of the GA class and me at RubyConf